Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lighting up the Silver Screen

The goal of The ECO School is to offer access to high quality, affordable sustainability education. And what better way to do that than by using the internet?... hence the lovely blog that you are reading right this moment. Along those lines we have been planning some other creative ways of using the internet to reach out to you right in your very own living room.

Introducing the very first ECO School movie - Passive Solar Design: An Introduction.
This movie is the first in a series of six that will explain the basics of passive solar design, and how your home, your wallet, and the earth can benefit by taking advantage of that giant free source of energy that hovers about 150 million kilometers above our heads.

Here's a little teaser for you:
Interest piqued? You can watch the full 2 1/2 minutes by heading over to the movie page on The ECO School website.

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